Since I started my Blog in November, it has proved itself to be a powerful tool that allows me to stay in touch with my family and friends in Spain. This past few months, however, I have been experiencing the need to tackle a new challenge. As time goes by I feel compelled to share also some of my experiences with my foreign colleagues that do not know Spanish at all. In order to make this gap smaller I have finally decided to begin the English version of my current Blog. I expect this new challenge to be more than a translation of my current Blog.
I am aware that the number of readers will continue to be small anyway in both Blogs. It doesn't matter, as I said before when I became a blogger in my first entry I don't regard my life as the most interesting thing in the universe. Why then should I share my thoughts and my paranoias with others? I am delighted to answer to this question.
In the mid of October I came to London to finish my degree as Telecommunication Engineer at Queen Mary's University of London. As I have explained before, staying far from home and your loved ones made me consider the possibility of beginning a Blog to let them know about my routine. For other purposes I already have the email which is perfect for more personal matters. Besides I do not like to become a spammer flooding others' inboxes with my emails. Moreover, I also want to test my writing skills and to improve my fluency.
What kind of topics are going to be the subject of my merciless scrutiny? I will describe my impressions about this country and its inhabitants. I will try to make an account of my cultural activities and readings. I will share my opinions and explain why I like some freak things. And I will explain differences with my home country to allow others to achieve a better understanding of the Spanish culture and the Spanish way of life, if there's such a thing :) Let's say that this is the backward transformation of my current Blog.
In order to finish this first entry as I finished it before I will include a funny video. Do you like Monty Python? Do you like King's Arthur legend? Are you a compulsive LEGOmaniac? aren't you? It doesn't matter, I am. And remember to stay as happy as you can :)
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